The Valiant #1 review
I wish I was a bigger Valiant fan, then I would know if Valiant actually does “epics” that often, because The Valiant #1 is supposed to be just that. And surprised to say I just found out before writing this review that it’s actually only going to be a four issue mini series. Quite the opposite of epic if you ask me, but no matter, let’s dig into just how good The Valiant #1 is.
The Valiant #1 snags all of Valiant’s mightiest heroes from it’s other books, excluding Gilad the Eternal Warrior who’s making what I believe is his first appearance. You don’t know who Valiant’s mightiest heroes are? The list is pretty tight: Bloodshot, Armstrong, and X-O is about it. I tend to like all of them excluding X-O, that dude’s kinduva douche.

So why read The Valiant #1? The heroes are small time and no one seems to know what the hell a geomancer is. Read it for the crew, the team. The writing and art of The Valiant is legit. Read this list: Jeff Lemire (resurrector of the new 52 Green Arrow. Admit it, that book was garbage before him and Sorrentino took it over), Matt Kindt, and the brilliant Paola Rivera. Take it in people.
Why not take it in? The Valiant #1 could be your introduction to the Valiant publisher, and it’s only four issues so…don’t be cheap.
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