Thor #1 (2018) Review
ODINSON IS BACK IN THOR #1 (2018)!!! Yes! And with a powerhouse team no less! Jason Aaron and Mike Del Mundo!?! Could I write more sentences about this with more exclamation points? Hell yes I could! I’ve so been looking forward to this series, and that isn’t because I didn’t enjoy seeing Jane Foster as Thor either. I loved Jane as the Mighty Thor, it was one of the most exciting and emotional comics I’ve consistently read over the past few years. Before then, I wasn’t even much of a Thor fan but Jason Aaron with the help of so many other artists have brought the god of thunder into one of my mainstay Marvel heroes.
The Odinson hasn’t been the god of thunder for quite some time, since Original Sin way back in 2014 when one sentence from the mouth of Fury brought Thor to his knees and instantly made him unworthy. We’ve seen the Odinson and Foster’s Thor battle their own trials and tribulations since then, each with their own special flare and personality. It was a refreshing change of pace but, here we are, back to something that’s familiar but very much different, Odinson no longer unworthy and carrying the title of Thor once again. Altought, not as mighty.
I cannot express enough how much I love this team of Jason Aaron and Mike Del Mundo for Thor #1 (2018)! Of course this is troublesome in giving an unbiased review since I honestly feel they could do no wrong. Jason Aaron has done so many amazing things with the Thor titles for so long it’s become an extension of himself. Now bring in Deadly Mike and you have yourself a god who eats lightning and farts brightly colored thunder clouds. The book is incredibly fun with a ton of new characters, each as interesting as the next.
If the main story in Thor #1 (2018) wasn’t enough, the gods bless us with another story at the end of issue #1 that brings us to Thor the All-Father in the far future with his three granddaughters. This story that will be continued in issue #5 is so good it could and should have its own book.
If you’ve been avoiding the Thor book over the past few years, now’s definitely the time to return, because the God of Thunder sure as hell has.
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