Thor: The Dark World

Thor: The Dark World – The Essential Reading List

Thor: The Dark World Reading list

We’re all anxiously counting down the next few weeks at the shop, while we wait for Thor: The Dark World to be released in theaters.  And while that clock is still ticking, we have just enough time to catch up on the ESSENTIAL THOR READING LIST – Everything you’ll want to read before hitting the concessions stand.

 Thor by Walter Simonson Vol #1THOR BY WALTER SIMONSON TP VOL 01

 “Spanning epic tales of heroism and treachery, love and war, Simonson’s work is often considered the definitive Thor. Collecting THOR #337-345.”

You’re probably wondering why this is on my list before a collected book with Journey Into Mystery #83 – and here’s why:

Welcome to “Movie Inspiration the Comic Book”.
No, seriously – here is where you’ll find the comics run currently being captured on the silver screen.  As a bonus – it’s totally “but i”m not a comic lexicon!” friendly.  Just about anyone could pick this up and understand what’s going on with Thor, Loki and the forces of evil.

 Thor by Walter Simonson Vol #2THOR BY WALTER SIMONSON TP VOL 02

“Few people have ever left their mark on one character quite the way Walter Simonson has. His work on the Mighty Thor swept the Norse God of Thunder to heights never before seen and rarely achieved in his wake. Collecting THOR (1966) #346-355.”

Aaaaand here’s where you get the Extended Special Features.  All of the extras you needed to fill in the story – and just as easy to pick up as the first volume.  Really, the only expectation to picking up these books is a little knowledge of Norse Mythology, and then having yourself a nice, awesometastic, comic book reading sesh.

ESSENTIAL THOR TP VOL 01 NEW ED Essential Thor Vol #1

Written by STAN LEE.  Penciled by JACK KIRBY.  Cover by JACK KIRBY.  Collecting JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #83-112.

Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and first appearance should say enough here.  No Thor reading list would be complete without Journey Into Mystery #83 – first appearance of Thor.  I’m a fan of this particular book because it’s huge, weighs almost nothing, and you get 30 issues for $19.99.  You can’t beat Lee & Kirby creating some classic comics history for TWENTY DOLLARS, GUYS.  Take that, Marvel Masterworks!   (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

The Mighty Thor – An Origin StoryMIGHTY THOR ORIGIN STORY YR HC

Thor, prince of the mystical world of Asgard, is set to become King. But Thor is arrogant and impulsive. So to teach his son a lesson, Odin Allfather banishes Thor to Earth, where the God of Thunder will be forced to learn humility and compassion. Only there, among men, will Thor learn to be truly mighty!For all the mini-midgardians, an awesome 48 page hardcover origin story.  Teach the nerd-spawn morals, Norse mythology, and get them into comic books before they become move-lore obsessed.


Experience the seminal tales of Norse godhood: the origins of the Ice and Storm Giants, the diabolical Surtur, and the noble Heimdall; and the very creation of Asgard itself! Plus: delve into the boyhood of Thor, when his relationship with wicked stepbrother Loki was not yet fully formed! Collecting THOR: TALES OF ASGARD BY STAN LEE & JACK KIRBY #1-6.Anything you ever needed to know, any questions about back story you ever needed answered – you’ll probably find the hands of Jack Kirby and Stan Lee have already answered them here.  Mini four to six page vignettes display tons of  Thor-lore you didn’t know (unless Jim @ Cosmic dropped some knowledge on you).Okay, fangirls.  Here he comes.  I know you were waiting for him.


The true origin of Thor’s archenemy and Marvel’s most unpredictable villain! He is the lie-smith; he is the shape-changer; he is the fire that burns. The God of Mischief and Trickery, Loki. Meet the mirthful, beloved young man that made all the Asgardians laugh…until the first time he killed. Discover the gnarled roots of his twisted, unrelenting hatred of the Asgardians. And learn the chilling truth of why he’ll never be stopped… Collects Loki #1-#4.I save the best for last.  The Loki origin story for the ages.  Even the cover art is provocative.
Honestly – it’s Loki.  Do I really need to say much more?lokigif1
I think I’ll just let Tom Hiddleston do the talking for me…-Em

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