thunderbolts,marvel now,cosmic comics

Thunderbolts Enlisted!

thunderbolts,marvel now,cosmic comicsThunderbolts #1


You remember the original Thunderbolts? It seems so long ago when a rag tag bunch of villains got it in their heads to fool the entire universe into thinking they were the good guys. Then things dragged along, they got “real” talent, and then were not Thunderbolts but Dark Avengers, and confusing what-nots like that. Well it appears that Marvel NOW! is here to the rescue.

General Thaddeus Ross is enlisting his own personal team. A team not afraid to push the limits and break boundaries. A team that shoots first and asks questions later. Some need more persuasions than other, but they all say yes. That’s what Thunderbolts issue 1 is all about, recruiting. Expect issue number 2 to hopefully be more action packed.

I remember the first Thunderbolts, then lost them in the Marvel universe nearly a year after they came into existence. I then was re-introduced to them as the “Dark Avengers” which wasn’t a positive first impression. I hold much more hope for this bunch though, a team I hold high respect for. They’re like your favorite sitcom family, you have the bad ass level headed dad, the mysterious mother (I’m serious, I have no clue who she is), the wise cracking son, the jock son, and their hot untouchable sister. Of course with that family you need the crazy gun happy uncle to show up every once and while to spice things up.

If you couldn’t tell already, the first issue is all introductions, be it, well written introductions, not the greatest attention grabber. Nothing screaming, “buy me!” or “I’m your new best friend!”, just a bunch of your favorite characters who are usually solo, becoming one cohesive wrecking ball. I still don’t like the newest Venom, but hopefully I can look past him since they have my boy Frank looking bad ass as ever. Helping him look bad ass is Steve Dillon’s superbly clean art. I was really impressed with this first book, the story left more to be desired, but if they bring a strong second issue, I’ll be hooked.

You can read more of Burke’s reviews over at Be sure to pick up all of the Marvel NOW! books at Cosmic Comics! today!

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