Veil #1. Spitting telepathic rhymes.

veil #1,greg rucka,dark horse comics,cosmic comics!Veil #1 Review

Veil #1 from Dark Horse Comics is coming to you from the wonderful writer Greg Rucka (classic Batwoman fame) and artist Toni Fejzula.

Veil is an unusual story, with Veil #1 actually leaving more questions than answers. An unnamed woman wakes up in some rat infested subway, rhymes her way to the street, and is clothed by an honest gentlemen who’s probably hoping to play the good guy card until he can score some tail. That was mean of me, I bet this guy was a genuine good person and knew it was unethical to take advantage of a possibly mentally unstable telepath. I did mention the woman can destroy things, including dude’s brains with her mind? Oh, I didn’t? Well she can.

I’ll give Greg Rucka props on this book for the fact that the story is going to build into something crazy, I can feel it. But what I’m not going to give full credit to is the script, literally pages of rhymes. Pick a word, rhyme it, spy an object, rhyme it. That’s all nit picky bullshit though because I have complete faith in what Rucka writer is doing here.

veil #1,toni fejzula,dark horse comics,cosmic comics!The interesting art style by Toni Fejzula in Veil #1 is another reason I picked up this book. Fejzula’s art has hard lines that are contrasted with shadows and pastel colors, almost all of which being vibrant purples and oranges. This is one of the few times I think Greg Rucka’s work was actually helped by the art, usually his writing can hold its own, no matter what art is combined with it.

Veil #1, while not being a masterpiece work of art, is rough starting, but holds promise of becoming something so much bigger. I must know what this girls deal is, guess we’ll have to see what Veil #2 holds. Catch up and pick up Veil #1 today!

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