Walking Dead Midnight Release (Oct 8-9) - Recap

Walking Dead Midnight Release (Oct 8-9) – Recap

Walking Dead #115 Midnight Release Party

For everyone who missed it,  The Walking Dead celebrated it’s 10th anniversary with a huge Walking Dead midnight release spanning 13 (no, seriously – thir-freaking-teen) books.

And we celebrated with our first Cosmic After Hours party!

The first thing the world should absolutely must know about is the AMAZING ten-cover mural that issue #115 makes up.  There’s no way there isn’t some kind of hidden message floating around down there.

Look at that sexy mural ▲
Look at that sexy mural ▲

Those were also accompanied by a #115 Blank Variant, the Tyreese Special, and a FULL COLOR reprint of #1 with. new. prologue. material. (Yes, PLEASE).

Comics aside, there were also the card game, TV based board game, and comic based strategy game open and being furiously played by everyone.


Honestly, the After Hours event was awesome!  In the busyness of real life, we often are denied the opportunity to be a fan.  It was great to immerse myself in something that I’m pretty new to, and still have a great time doing it.  A quick  W.D. card game  was made even better by getting to chat and joke around; it seemed like everyone joined in on one of the Walking Dead themed games.  Chilling, eating way (way, way) too much pizza, maybe being a little tipsy, and having some group fandom catharsis over a game board totally made my night.  And eagerly waiting for 12:01 to arrive – icing on the cake.  Plus – who doesn’t love a zombie party? ZOMBIE PARTY AWW YEAH!

So – if fun and pizza are things you enjoy doing on a regular basis, and in groups!  Come check out the Cosmic After Hours events.

We promise Punch and Pie (or something like it)


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