Want a FREE PS4 from LVL UP EXPO? Of course you do!

Want a FREE PS4 from LVL UP EXPO? Of course you do!

Want a FREE PS4 from LVL UP EXPO? Of course you do!


Just register for the LVL UP EXPO by January 31st, 2014 to be automatically entered to win a FREE PS4!!!

If you’re reading this, chances are you love video games as much as we do so you’re probably planning on going to this year’s LVL UP EXPO at the Cashman Convention Center in Las Vegas anyway. Instead of waiting to get your badges at the door, visit http://goo.gl/69yV4s and register for your LVL UP EXPO badges now to be entered into the LVL UP EXPO’s Sony PlayStation 4 Giveaway for your chance to win a FREE PS4!!!

If  we weren’t a sponsor (along with Fat Beard Studios, Evil Dead the Musical in Las Vegas, Primal Carnage, and others) you know we’d be all over this amazing opportunity to win a FREE PS4!

The LVL UP EXPO takes place Saturday, February 1, 2014 at 11:00 AM and ends Sunday, February 2, 2014 at 11:00 PM (PST). Visit http://lvlupexpo.org to learn more about the tournaments, special guests, the $1000 Cosplay Contest, and more taking place at the 2014 LVL UP EXPO at the Cashman Convention Center in Las Vegas!

See Official Rules for more details.

Originally posted at: http://fatbeardstudios.com/latest-news/win-free-ps4-lvl-expo/

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