winter soldier #1,marvel comics,rick remender,nerd farm blog

Winter Soldier. Fury Espionage.

Winter Soldier #1 review

Winter Soldier just in time for Captain America: Winter Soldier. I assume though that this storyline has little to nothing to do with the upcoming movie.

Winter Soldier #1 “The Bitter March” also has little to do with the Winter Soldier himself. I’d actually call it more of a Nick Fury title than anything. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, the story of Fury and Agent Ran, his partner in crime, infiltrating a Hydra compound in 1966 is full of spy, espionage goodness. It really makes me want to see Nick Fury in that James Bond role.

winter soldier #1,marvel comics,rick remender,cosmic comicsRick Remender, obviously one of Marvel Comics masterminds, nails Winter Soldier #1. What a spot on comic, besides the actual Winter Soldier appearing in only the last 6 pages, the book is a fantastic build up to just how dangerous the Winter Soldier is. Even the mighty Nick Fury doesn’t know what to expect.

Winter Soldier #1 is a foundation building book, but I have a feeling you wont be seeing much more of Hydra, and a lot more of the Winter Soldier. I will admit though, I enjoy Fury’s unyielding confidence over Winter Soldier’s badassery any day.


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