wonder twins,comic book review,dc comics,cosmic comics

Wonder Twins #1 (2019). Bee Gee’s and Thunder Lust.

wonder twins,comic book review,dc comics,cosmic comicsWonder Twins #1 (2019) Review

The dynamic duo from the planet Exxor return in DC Comics Wonder Twins #1 (2019) as part of its Wonder Comics titles. This is the second book from the Wonder Comics series to drop after the popular Naomi hit shelves last month. A book that’s already into its second printing.

Zan and Jayna live out everyone’s awkward teen experiences in Wonder Twins #1. Finding ones identity in High School is hard enough, but try it when you’re from another planet. Make that a planet where “thunder lust” is a thing during storms, and a freak trans-dimensional storm sends your hormones into a frenzy. We’ve all been there, puberty that is, not so much the thunder lust. Add the angst of adolescence with the pressures of interning at the Hall of Justice and any other twins would crumble under the pressure. Not the Wonder Twins though, they somehow end up like the Scooby gang in the end.

Wonder Twins #1 (2019) is a pretty fun book. I found it enjoyable that Mark Russell know the twins are kind of the butt of the joke in well, everything. They’re not afraid to make light that Zan can only change into some form of water. To make things even amusing we get a little insight into Batman’s school kid days that left me wondering if “Beegee” is now a canon nickname for Bruce.

wonder twins,comic book review,dc comics,cosmic comicsThe art is what I’m coming to expect from DC books as I’ve been reading them more and more. Stephen Byrne brings in clean lines with exaggerated actions and emotions. This gives each character a stage like presence.  and presents a stage like presence of each character.

A nice change of pace is never a bad thing. Like WB moving away from dark and boding knights, the Hall of Justice gets a little super friendlier with Wonder Twins #1.

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