X-Men #1 (2019). Xavier’s Dream, Hickman’s Baby.

X-Men #1 (2019) Review

The dominoes from House of X and Powers of X may have fallen but the dust is certainly still settling in X-Men #1 (2019). The house that Xavier built has outgrown itself and quite literally expanded its roots far more reaching than he could ever have imagined. Krakoa has opened its arms to every mutant, welcoming all including even those who have troubled and villainous pasts. These new beginnings come with challenges however, including leadership and governing bodies with laws and appropriate punishments. You’ll have to read issue 1 to find out who’s the first mutant to be made an example of.

If the original X-Men were Xavier’s dream, then the newest X-Men universe is Jonathan Hickman’s baby. And he’s taken this opportunity head on. The X-Men universe has always had continuity issues. Writers like Claremont and Bendis were arguably the best at steering the ship but, the times surrounding them were often lawless, having no regard for the history of future of the X-Men. Hickman is coming in hoping to restore balance with X-Men #1 (2019). Defining “Omega” level mutants in House of X and then revealing another in Powers of X to tie the universe together are just some of the huge steps he’s already taken.

x-men #1 (2019)This all leads us to X-Men #1 (2019) which is essentially a continuation of the House and Powers of X saga. That’s it, plain and simple. If you missed the combo mega series you will unfortunately be lost. It doesn’t get much better I’m afraid as almost every series stemming from that saga is intimately intertwined with it. This is much bigger than just X-Men, this will branch out to Marauders, Excalibur, New Mutants, X-Force, and even Fallen Angels. It’s almost imperative that you’ve read House and Powers of X before diving into this brave new world. However all is not lost, if you have patience. The hardcover for those combined books is dropping in December. There’s also a very good chance that your LCS still has copies of every issue with plenty of variant covers.

There’s still time to catch the train before it hits the next station, which is in just a few short weeks before November. This entire saga has been incredible and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. I don’t think this is an event that will be forgotten in a few years. I believe this is a moment that will define the X-Men in years to come.

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