Alienated #1 Review
Alienated #1 from BOOM! Studios is coming in hot right after highly acclaimed Once and Future and Something is Killing the Children. I’ve always found these indie reads refreshing, something Image has been doing for years while smaller publishers like BOOM! and Aftershock are really beginning to hit their stride.
In Alienated #1 we find the three Sams: Samuel, Samantha, and Samir. Although they’re labeled as outcasts in their small town, each of them want to be something more. Samuel is the new kid who’s aching to be “famous” while still remaining anonymous. Samantha just wants to start fresh. And Samir, who wants nothing more than to be accepted. Little do they know that they’ll soon be intimately entangled into each others lives by their discovery of an alien artifact.
Together they give the artifact life and the perils that come with it. What will they do with something so innocent yet so dangerous. Do they even have the power to control it? As if teen life wasn’t hard enough.
Simon Spurrier joins Chris Wildgoose in this very intriguing story. I was immediately drawn in by the art of Chris Wildgoose and sharp colors by Andre May. I just happened to stay around for the story, and I’m glad I did. Alienated #1 isn’t a coming of age story or kids finding an alien and phoning him home, no it’s three teens struggling to find their place in life when they soon get the pressures of powers to change the world stacked on them.
Alienated #1 is a smooth read that just flows. The script reads as I believe teens would talk and tackles the mentality of youth today. Or at least I think it does, I really have no frame of reference since I’m, ya’know, old. The point I’m trying to make is that Alienated succeeds without trying too hard and avoids the cliche pitfalls much of Hollywood does. I can definitely see this being adapted to television in the future so hop on this book early so you can say you read it before it was cool.