animosity,aftershock comics,comic book review,cosmic comics

Animosity #1. A Girl and Her Dog.

animosity,aftershock comics,comic book review,cosmic comicsAnimosity #1 Review

“One day, the animals woke up.” That’s how it starts, an eerie and cryptic warning of what’s to come. Animosity is the story of the food chain flipped upside down, a short introduction in the front cover of Animosity #1 gives very general numbers of animals across Earth compared to the small population of humans, making the thought of an animal uprising that much more frightening.

In Animosity #1, that uprising begins. Marguerite Bennett and Rafael de Latorre bring a girl and her dog to the centerpiece of this animal revolution, except in this new world, it’s now a dog and his girl. Animals have indeed woken up, they’ve learned to talk, and everything they’ve seen and heard has many of them lusting for revenge. Jesse with Sandor now must escape the jungle that has become NY and find the one person, besides Sandor her best friend, that can protect her.

animosity,aftershock comics,comic book review,cosmic comicsI can say right off the bat that Animosity #1 completely had my interest as I read the preview in the back of Black Hammer #1. Seeing the first few pages of Animosity #1 had me intrigued, so I was chomping at the bit to read more of it when it finally hit store shelves. Marguerite Bennett  who’s currently doing Bombshells and Rafael de Latorre did a fantastic job on this book. Just like its preview the book snags you right from the get go and doesn’t let you go.

While I enjoyed the story and the main protagonists, Jesse and Sandor, it was the other animals that really stole the show for me. I was so interested to see how each animal would react, who would ally with humans, who would attack and maim a human without question, which ones would do neither and instead continue on their primal instincts. It was all very fascinating and I can’t wait to see where this revolution will take Sandor and Jesse next.

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