avengers 1,marvel now,cosmic comics

Avengers Wake the World

avengers 1,marvel now,cosmic comics
Issues 1, 2, and 3 of Marvel NOW!’s Avengers.

Avengers #1 Review

“Earth’s Mightiest Heroes” “Avengers World” “Wake the World”

Have you ever felt like you just have to try? You don’t want to fail, but you know deep down you have no choice but to fail. The Avengers are “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes” and they’re going against a power much greater than anything they’ve ever seen before.

Earth has been attacked, well, if making the Earth’s foliage grow out of control and attack, and Mars is being transformed into a life sustaining planet. The evil responsible, Ex Nihilo, a godlike being who believes he’s recreating life, raising the world. The Avengers are in his way, he knows their tactics, and he knows they must fall.

What a fantastic start to this new series. I’m pleasantly surprised at how well a lot of the new Marvel NOW! books have turned out. This new Avengers book written by Jonathan Hickman puts the Avengers up against terrible odds, it’s suspenseful and then leaves you with your jaw in a dropped position. Jerome Opena’s art is wonderful, especially since I had no expectations of this book, and the magnitude at which it hit me was like a punch to the face. I only had one issue with the book, it’s closing page, with a very large roster of characters, a lot of which, a fault of my own, I had no idea who most of them were.

You can read more of Burke’s reviews over at nerdfarmblog.com and be sure to pick up all of your Marvel NOW! books at Cosmic Comics! today!

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