birthright #1,image comics,josh williamson,cosmic comics

Is it Destiny? Birthright #1

birthright #1,image comics,josh williamson,cosmic comicsBirthright #1 review

After the Rhodes family thought they had lost their son, possibly to kidnapping, their lives are ripped apart. Sometime after a year of no news, a drifter appears out of the woods, now he’s a suspect in the kidnapping but a father knows his son, and this man is him.

Like Jumanji, with mythical creatures and without the crazy board game, Birthright #1 rips Mikey Rhodes from his happy life and throws him feet first into his “birthright”. Like what they did there? Mikey prefers destiny, but birthright obviously has its meaning.

birthright #1,andrei bressan,image comics,cosmic comicsJosh Williamson, the Ghosted writer, has a very cool and creative story going here with Birthright #1. Even my wife, a huge fan of Lord of the Rings and JRR Tolkien agrees that this book is something fresh and very interesting. Besides the interesting story, Birthright #1 becomes something so much more when you see where it can go. The ability to jump from one world to the next opens up so many fantastic avenues, not to mention the crazy cliffhanger after just issue #1.

Birthright #1 is flying relatively low on many peoples radars, so be the first cool dude to introduce your friends or hordes of anonymous folks to it. They’ll thank you for it later.

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