Avengers vs X-Men AvX #5 Review
The Avengers vs X-Men series is officially in full stride. Both teams tactics have proven successors and unsuccessful in many areas. Their battles have taken place over parts of Earth, different dimentions, and then landed on the Moon. Here is where the Avengers planned to make their stop, the place they would claim Hope for the good of mankind and defeat the Phoenix once and for all. “Hah, yeah right,” says Phoenix. The Phoenix doesn’t “technically” really say those exact words, but I’m sure you understand that Hope could not contain the power of the Phoenix and Tony Stark’s Disruptor Blast didn’t quite work as the Avengers had expected. And unfortunately for the Avengers and the populous they were trying to save, they have in fact made a more grave situation. Yes that cover does in fact have Captain America getting effed up. Really effed up.
Continue reading the rest of Burke’s review over at nerdfarmblog.com. Cosmic Comics! has the first run of Avengers vs X-Men #5 right now! The other issues of AvX are already into their 3rd and 4th print so be sure to #getyourfix quick because they are hopping off the shelves like hotcakes.