Marvel Zombies: Destroy! #1 Review

Marvel Zombies: Destroy! #1 Review

Marvel Zombies: Destroy! #1 Review

Marvel Zombies: Destroy! #1 Review

“Zombie Invaders”

The comic Gods have spoken and they want more Nazi Zombies. Nazi Zombies are a recipe for success, most zombie enthusiasts and purists don’t mind killing zombies, but their eyes light up just a little brighter when they get the chance to slay the zombies that just so happen to be Nazis. In Marvel Zombies: Destroy! #1 they take the Nazi Zombie recipe and add a little Marvel Zombies pizazz to it. Marvel Zombies are different, they can speak, they can plan, and they continue to have powers they used to once possess, so it makes them an interesting and extra dangerous breed.

The beloved, perverted, and Duckworld exile Howard the Duck has been given the assignment from A.R.M.O.R. (Alternate Reality Monitoring & Operational Response) to enlist a roster of heroes to save our Earth from certain destruction. The Ducky Dozen, comprised of lesser known heroes, but still a bunch of bad asses none the less, must stop the thousand-year reich from successfully launching their cross-dimensional battleship into our universe. Invasion is imminent.

I’m a huge fan of the Marvel Zombies series, so I may come off as biased in some regard. Marvel Zombies: Destroy! #1 puts a new twist on the Nazi Zombie craze and is very well written by Frank Marraffino. Marraffino gives each hero character, making each one distinct and recognizable. The story moves along at a great pace by knowing when to add fun and comedy in with the drama and action. Of course, the art done by the lesser known Mirco Pierfederici fits with the style of the writing perfectly. The art is sharp, gritty, and compliments the stylistic aspect of the book.

I’m sure most zombie lovers will snag this book quick, but I’d suggest anyone who just genuinely enjoys a fun story to pick it up also. See my friends over at Cosmic Comics! in Las Vegas and #getyourfix. Who doesn’t love Nazi Zombies? I mean really?

Burke of our resident reviewer of everything zombie.

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