Patsy Walker, A.K.A Hellcat! #1 review
Yes, yes, believe it, Hellcat has her own comic book again! But instead of just calling it Hellcat they decided to go all bonkers and give it the enormous title of: Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1 (don’t forget the exclamation point). Crazy right, well Marvel knows what they’re doing because the title matches the tone of the book exactly. And you better believe I’m going to call it by its crazy long title every time I talk about it.
I also may be going rogue here reviewing Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1 for Cosmic Comics! instead of the almost equally long titled The Death-Defying Dr. Mirage: Second Lives and the newest Judge Dredd, but I don’t care, Hellcat was just too good not to review. Plus I’ve been waiting for another Hellcat comic for 7 years. 7 YEARS!!! We haven’t seen Patsy in her own book since Kathryn Immonen’s Patsy Walker: Hellcat mini series, which was a fantastic book also.
In Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1 (it just gets better and better every time you say it) Patsy gets let go, A.K.A. fired (see what I did there?) from investigating for Jennifer Walters, A.K.A. She-Hulk. I swear you wont hate me after this review is done, probably. This also leaves her without a place to live, since she was essentially living in the office closet too. Patsy’s tough though, she didn’t go to hell and back (literally) without being a little resilient. With a positive attitude and a little luck on her side, Hellcat lands back on her feet, and the fun is just getting started.
I’m a sucker for off the wall adventurous books with quirky and fun protagonists, books like Fraction and Aja’s Hawkeye, Soule and Pulido’s She-Hulk, and Zdarsky and Quinone’s Howard the Duck, thankfully Kate Leth and Brittney Williams Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1 definitely falls into this category.
Patsy’s personality is infectious in Patsy Walker, A.K.A Hellcat! #1 not only bcause of Leth’s writing but also because of Williams perfect art. The style pops from the page and matches everything I think of when I think of Patsy Walker or Hellcat. Williams art doesn’t maintain the same dimensions throughout the book, they morph and react with Patsy’s emotions, and there are so many emotions, such hilarious and exuberant emotions, sometimes expressed in anime/manga fashion. I especially liked how Williams gave patsy strong cat features many times while in Hellcat garb. Much like Fletcher and Babs new Batgirl, you can just tell they’re having a ton of fun making this book.
I commend every book that makes me smile from ear to ear as I read it, and Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1 does that. I can’t recommend this book enough, but remember, I like goofy reads, so savants of the serious may not apply, but maybe, just maybe, dip a toe in, I promise the water’s fine.