symbiote spiderman,marvel comics,comic book review,cosmic comics

Rebirth Of Symbiote Spider-Man

symbiote spiderman,marvel comics,comic book review,cosmic comicsSymbiote Spider-Man #1 Review

Spider-Man is big. Not like physically big but, popular big. Like Ron Burgandy, he’s kind of a big deal. He broke many super hero barriers as being vulnerable and weak in areas super heroes weren’t supposed to be. He was also one of the first Marvel heroes to put up blockbuster numbers in the box office. However you’re not here for a history lesson on Spider-Man, we’ve proven that nearly every person on the planet knows some type of Spider-Man origin story, many though, don’t know much about Symbiote Spider-Man.

spiderman 3,marvel comicsSure you may have seen Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3 and hated everything that the symbiote did to your beloved Peter Parker. He’s gone emo! You cried. So don’t lie and tell me the first two weren’t good either because your Myspace says otherwise. We know the first two X-Men and Spider-Man were groundbreaking Marvel movies that just happened to be stricken with the lawless nature of early 2000’s cinema. Let’s remember and embrace them, then forget about their third entries.

You there? Have you forgotten about Spider-Man 3 and how Peter gets his symbiote suite? Good. Now that the palette is cleansed revisit The Amazing Spider-Man #252, the first appearance of the symbiote Spider-Man suit (in a regular series, if you want to get all technical about it). Lucky for you Marvel just so happened to re-release it as part of their Marvel Facsimile series. Segue powers activated!

What does this all mean? Why am I telling you all this. Because there’s two things happening in the Spider-Man world you should know about. Mysterio is the villain in the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home movie, and he’s also in the newest Symbiote Spider-Man series. Boom! Tying everything together here like a boss!

You thought you were just getting a Symbiote Spider-Man #1 review and I slipped a little extra into your eggnog. Fear not, I got that quick review for ya right here.

The Actual Review

symbiote spiderman,marvel comics,comic book review,cosmic comicsI tend to think every Spider-Man book reads the same way, Peter Parker sees trouble, has an existential crisis, overcomes it, loved one’s in trouble, pops out a few webs with witty dialogue, saves the day. Peter David avoids this trap and actually puts in a script that avoids a dancing emo Peter Parker. Honestly sounds like a win to me. Symbiote Spider-Man #1 is a wonderful retelling of the classic black suit Spider-Man saga. Peter David writes a very funny and exciting Spider-Man where nothing feels forced and Parker is as quirky and one liner ready as he’s ever been. There’s also a focus on Mysterio as a struggling scientist who feels unappreciated and deflated as a villain and personally as a man. All of this combined with the sharp art of Greg Land makes Symbiote Spider-Man a solid Spidey book.

Symbiote Spider-Man #1 is on shelves now, it’s a nice little re-imagining of the first introduction of the black suit Spider-Man. While you’re at it, snag the Facsimile Edition also to see how it all began after the Secret Wars way back in 1984.

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