reborn #1,image comics,review,cosmic comics

Reborn #1. Reincarnation Hero.

reborn #1,image comics,review,cosmic comics Reborn #1 Review

The much anticipated Mark Millar and Greg Capullo’s Reborn #1 from Image Comics is finally here, and I’m here to give you its review. Those of you who actually read my reviews will know my bias towards Mark Millar. I don’t think I have a personal or deeper connection to his writing, he just happens to write a ton of shit that I thinks “the bomb” as my 90’s generation would say. Millar also has an uncanny ability to snag artists that are just perfect for his stories: Jupiter’s Legacy has Frank Quitely, Huck has Rafael Albuquerque, Empress has Stuart Immonen (one of my favorite artists of all time), and now Reborn #1 is no different coming in hot with Greg Capullo.

So now you’re probably thinking to yourself, “Burke, we get it, you like Mark Millar and think he’s the greatest, but hows Reborn #1? The book you’re supposed to be reviewing…”. Fret not, yes I do think Millar is one of the greats, and yes my review is coming…after a short description. If the suspense is killing you, I’d say chill, or you could just skip the next paragraph.

reborn #1,image comics,review,cosmic comicsReborn #1 takes the alternate universe idea to another level, possibly another level of consciousness, because in Reborn, death can sometimes mean life. There’s a hardened battle being fought, and soldiers aren’t recruited, their born into new bodies after death. Are you following me here? When people die on Earth, some are transported to bodies in another world, that could be another dimension of Earth, this is just a theory, we’re not there yet. Get it, they’re “Reborn”. Damn that’s catchy.

I absolutely loved the idea and concept of Reborn #1. So did the idea translate well into the story? Yes! Millar again drops another great book hot off the heels of Huck and Empress. Reborn #1 drops the idea in your lap and let’s you run around with crazy theories to what exactly is happening. It doesn’t go out of its way to confuse you, it doesn’t feed you like you’re a newborn baby, it just flows and brings you along for the ride. Mark Millar and Greg Capullo have created worlds that are begging to be explored, so hop on!

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