Savage Avengers #1 Review
I’ma come out and say I’ve been hyped for this book for a while. I’m also going to say that the Savage Avengers are the best Avengers. The. Best. With the return of Conan and the continuing growth of Punisher and Wolverine/Logan’s bad assery, Savage Avengers was gonna hit, hard. The Punisher can’t be stopped right now, he’s overthrowing Zemo’s Bagalian government, infiltrating Dark Elf territory in War of the Realms, all while now teaming up with some of heaviest, nastiest hitters in the Marvel universe. Wolverine’s been all over the place too, from being dead to old, to returning from the dead to returning home.
Conan, Wolverine, and the Punisher only care about one thing, getting their way. They don’t know it yet but, their lives are about to be intertwined in the City of Sickles by a secret sect. This sect is filling a giant soup bowl with “the blood of mankind’s best artists, thinkers, and warriors” in an attempt to summon Jhoatun Lau, the Marrow God. I don’t know what that thing is but it looks dangerous. They haven’t taken a few things into account though, you don’t piss off Frank Castle. Things will get interesting fast.
Gerry Duggan is joined by Mike Deodato Jr for Savage Avengers #1. The entire book exudes its name, savage. Duggan writes the book like a welcoming punch to the face. Deodato Jr pencils page after page of brutal and bloody action, something you’d never expect to see from an Avengers book. Conan and Wolverine have an absolute bone shattering brawl that could settle childhood bets. While Savage Avengers #1 is lacking full blown appearances by the Punisher, Venom, or Elektra, it still manages to bleed pure rage and unmerciful violence. For certain, this isn’t Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s Avengers.
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