Star #1 Review
The Avengers films end with a snap of the fingers and the destruction of the infinity stones. Those pesky rocks have been reeking havoc all over the Marvel Universe for years. They always seem to be getting lost or falling into the wrong hands, and in some rare cases few people become hosts. Ripley Ryan is one of these people.
Who’s Ripley Ryan you ask? Well, if you haven’t been reading Captain Marvel then she’s a nobody. Hell, even if you’ve been reading Captain Marvel up until around issue #8 she was a nobody. That was however until she became the villain Star. Issues 8-12 of Captain Marvel became one helluva ark for the series propelling Star into her own self titled book.
I love when books like Star drop and make you scour through back issues looking for those “keys” you happened to miss. One of my favorites Cosmic Ghost Rider did that to me and thankfully led me down the Thanos story to end all stories. Now Marvels newest villain in Star is doing it too. It only took Captain Marvel punching a hole into her chest to make her interesting, that and hosting the reality stone. Did I mention she possibly hosts the reality stone or the essence of it? Sorry, maybe I missed that AWESOME piece of info.
Kelly Thompson who coincidentally captains the helm of Captain Marvel also writes Star. She’s joined by the amazing art of Javier Pina who did Captain America: Steve Rogers, Rise Of The Black Panther, and a popular issue of Mr and Mrs X. This makes for a book that produces quality well above its grade. The beautiful J. Scott Campbell covers flew off the shelves from Cosmic Comics! on day one so I was ecstatic when they got more issues in. Sure they weren’t the J. Scott Campbell covers but hey, a good story is a good story.
Star #1 from Kelly Thompson and Javier Pina exceeds all expectations. It’s a book that surprises and shines in all aspects. It comes from an interesting storyline in Captain Marvel and continues to power on with crazy action, humor, and thought provoking crisis. Ripley Ryan is a woman struggling to find herself in her new powers. Is she hero or foe?