Terminal Hero #1 review
Dynamite may have a dark hero on their hands with Terminal Hero #1, that’s if you want to call it a hero at all. I’m pretty sure you get what the terminal means in Terminal Hero, unless you’re thinking like airport terminal, then you’re wrong.
Brain tumors suck, I’d say they’re the worst, unless you’re Sterling Archer then an actual brain aneurysm or crocodiles may be at the top of your “Worst” list. Maybe you’d expect to live another few months, and that’s unless you have a scientist buddy who just loves playing with dangerous experimental treatments. Hit that guy up, you may just end up using more than 10% of your brain!
Rory Fletcher has this friend, and he thinks it’s a great idea! He quickly realizes that maybe losing his life to a rapidly growing brain tumor is better than uncontrollable fire hair (it’ll all make sense if you happen to read Terminal Hero #1).
Peter Milligan teams up with Sex artist Piotr Kowalski to bring a pretty gnarly character to Terminal Hero. You learn that Rory Fletcher has some pretty dark demons, most of which are uncontrollable after his treatments, and then a lot more when he’s not undergoing treatment. It’s difficult to see what Rory will become, but a hero doesn’t seem likely. One thing is certain, expect brilliant covers from Jae Lee.