The Walking Dead Volume 15 Review
The Walking Dead has never really been about zombies. Yes, zombies do roam the earth and yes, they do “feed”, but zombies cannot sustain a comic of this magnitude. Zombies are easy. Zombies are safe. Their basic life consist of infecting and feeding. It’s grotesque and macabre. The real strength of The Walking Dead lies within Rick’s group, his cast of characters. The last time you saw them they were fighting for survival to continue their lives in the “community”. After the dust settles we’re left with “We Find Ourselves”, a slower book of the series that manages to finish with a bang.
The community has survived two back to back assaults from both the living and the dead. Their numbers are thinned and their morale is in the gutter. With Carl in a coma, Rick’s outlook on survival changes from his narrow minded family focus, to a much larger scale, benefiting both his family and the community. Rick being left in charge doesn’t sit well with some of the community members, but some take notice that without Rick and his gang of misfits, they would never have survived the invasions. Talks of revolution are circulating around the community making it a proverbial powderkeg ready to explode…
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