wolverine max,marvel comics,cosmic comics

Wolverine MAX #1. Logan has Alzheimer’s.

wolverine max,marvel comics,cosmic comicsWolverine MAX #1 Review

“Permanent Rage”

You wanna know what’s hardcore? Alzheimer’s. That craps a dangerous enemy, and MAX has given it to Wolverine! I’m just Joshing ya, Logan doesn’t have Alzheimer’s in the newest Wolverine MAX series, but he does have amnesia.

Logan is involved in a pretty serious plane crash where even his adamantium covered skull can’t protect his brain from a massive concussion. A lot of people die, and then some more get eaten by sharks, just for good measure.

I love the MAX comics, Wolverine MAX comes straight out of the gate with F Bombs, bloody shark attacks, and memories of face eating. I’m serious, during the Civil War Logan ate a dudes face, and I’m pretty sure bath salts weren’t involved. Wolverine’s about to rage out, thus the “Permanent Rage” title, and Jason Starr is setting up the perfect recipe for disaster, because it sounds like Logan is about to become public enemy number one. Add in some great memory driven art by Connor Willumsen and we’re going to see a side of Wolverine we’ve always wanted to, unrelenting balls-to-the wall sniggy sniggs!

You can read more reviews from Burke at nerdfarmblog.com and be sure not to miss this issue that’s missing from an anger management class over at Cosmic Comics!.

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3 thoughts on “Wolverine MAX #1. Logan has Alzheimer’s.”

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