Superman Returns in Man Of Steel
Man Of Steel has a massive amount of expectations behind it. Zac Snyder as director and Christopher Nolan as producer, not to mention the long list of award-winning actors. This film is a re-introduction of the Superman Mythos to a new generation of movie goers and the general public. This redefining of Superman is both the films strongest and weakest points.
A large part of the film is dedicated to Krypton and Kryptonian society. We are introduced to the caste system that existed, the resemblance to royalty and royal families, like the House of El. The visuals are amazing but most of the information feels long-winded and over explained. These scenes seem to be for the character development of General Zod and future villains.
Kneel Before Zod
The focus on Zod in Man of Steel is more about a military man, whose trying to save his people and less of a totalitarian dictator as represented by Richard Donner’s Zod. Micheal Shannon plays General Zod well, but this version is less of a mirror of Superman. General Zod is flatter and more a heavy hitter, just to move the story along.
Jimmy Olsen Superman’s Pal
There are lots of names you will recognize in Man Of Steel, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Perry White, Ma and Pa Kent. No one is really a part of the story. These people are there and you enjoy them, but Superman is a loner for most of the film.
The Man Of Steel
Kal-El, Clark Kent, and finally Superman is played by Henry Cavill. Cavill comes off very well and when you see him come into his own its extremely satisfying. He built a physic and a style to separate himself from other past versions of Superman. His look reminds me of All Star Superman,a far cry from the average man look made famous by Christopher Reeves.
A Bigger World
With the Marvel Studios connecting everything they can get their hands on, it was expected that Warner Bros. was going to use Man Of Steel as a jumping off point for a wider DC Cinematic Universe. That does not happen or is it even implied. What does seem obvious is the next Superman Film will have Lex Luthor as the villain and rival The Dark Knight on quality.
Man Of Steel is just a beginning. A coming of age story for a boy alienated from his people and unlike anyone on his chosen planet. It gives you all the information to introduce future characters and story lines, Lex Luthor, Braniac etc. It feels like Batman Begins, a solid film, but just a start to what could be an amazing trilogy. Ignoring the obvious backlash of minor changes, the question becomes will the public support it or reject it like Superman Returns.

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