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Marvel NOW! Point One Tales From the Future.

marvel now!,point one,marvel comics,cosmic comicsMarvel NOW! Point One #1 Review

Sorry this took so long to get to all of you, when the best man at your wedding drops by for a weekend in Vegas, you show him Vegas, so a few things were put on the back burner, Marvel NOW!’s Point One #1 being one of them. Fret not, cosmic lovers, it’s Sunday and I’m feeling refreshed and oh-so generous.

Marvel NOW! Point One #1 isn’t so much collaborative works of talented staff, as much as it’s a creative way to introduce some new Marvel NOW! books coming to fruition in the near future. S.H.I.E.L.D catches wind of a mysterious man reeking havoc in the NYSE and scoops him up for some light interrogation. When he asks for Fury by name and claims he’s from the future, that’s where our little preview show begins.

Brian Bendis, Nick Spencer, Jeph Loeb, Kieron Gillen, Dennis Hopeless, and Matt Fraction all write something in this first book. Like I specified earlier, these are previews for a bunch of different stories with notable artists like Luke Ross, Michael Allred and Ed McGuinness who all take part in these shenanigans also. It’s always hard to review a comic with so much going on with so many things coming from so many different directions. If this was a standard preview issue, I would be less inclined to give a positive review, but Marvel manages to make it into a fun and creative book.

Sadly it comes with a pretty hefty price tag ($6) and I’m only really looking forward to Matt Fraction’s Ant-Man (FF), but was surprised that I really enjoyed the Young Avengers sneak preview from Kieron Gillen. If you’re curious about some of the new Marvel NOW! content, I would start with Point One.

You can read more reviews from Burke over at and can pick up Marvel NOW! Point One #1 with a bunch of other new Marvel NOW! books at Cosmic Comics!

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