paper girls,brian k vaughan,image comics,cosmic comics!

Paper Girls #1. Right Route. Wrong Time.

paper girls,brian k vaughan,image comics,cosmic comics!Paper Girls #1 review


I put that right there at the time of this here review. In a week with giant releases, Brian K. Vaughan has managed to take his independent Image book right to the top. That’s saying a lot, especially when Paper Girls was going up against Wolverine and Brian Michael Bendis in Old Man Logan. Old Man Logan is one of the best Marvel books out on the market right now, and Vaughan’s Paper Girls #1 without question was my favorite book of the week.

Paper Girls #1 deals with a group of girls who run a paper route in 1988, teaming up for protection after Hell Night, also known as the morning after Halloween. What they stumble into turns out to be more than hoodlum adolescent teen boys and something a little more, “alien”.

paper girls,image comics,brian k vaughan,cosmic comics!Brian K. Vaughan is essentially at the “can do no wrong” point with me right now, Saga and Panel Syndicate are legends, and I’m currently knee deep into We Stand on Guard. Everything is so refreshing, so different, and Paper Girls follows with the same.

paper girls,image comics,brian k vaughan,cosmic comics!Every child of the 80’s who loved movies like Monster Squad, Goonies, and Explorers will immediately dig Paper Girls. Cliff Chiang who does the fantastic art for Paper Girls even gives a little nod to Monster Squad by throwing a poster into the background of one of the frames.

Paper Girls #1 keeps you hooked the entire book, it just flows so well, and it has an insane twist at the end. Hop on this love song to 80’s sci fi now, it’s just that damned good.

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