Spider-Men #1 Review

Spider-Men #1 Review – Amazing Meets Ultimate

Spider-Men #1 ReviewSpider-Men #1 Review

Spider-Men is the inevitable meeting of the two Spider-Man universes. The Peter Parker Spider-Man expresses his love for New York City as he does his usual rounds of keeping the peace. Off in the distance there’s an explosion of brilliant light that demands his attention. While investigating, Spider-Man tangles with a well known and dangerous nemesis. The light produced is coming from some sort of portal that Spidey soon finds himself sucked into. The lights from the buildings in the New York skyline are replaced by the bright rays of the sun as Parker notices time has shifted unusually fast. This New York may look similar, but Parker is about to come face to face with someone he never knew existed…one Miles Morales.

I’ve been impressed with most of the The Amazing Spider-Man books as of late, but I haven’t paid much attention to the Ultimate Spider-Man universe. It’s one that I’ve sadly neglected, so I was pretty happy to see both of these books come together and come together well. Brian Michael Bendis writes a superb story here. Peter’s dialogue and monologues are witty and generally never out of place and his humor continues even when he’s faced with abnormal circumstances focused around differing dimensions. (It also helps when you have some great art from Sara Pichelli to back you up.)

Spidey looks great, he moves fluently, facial emotions are spot on, and the action scenes are movie quality. I’m mostly impressed with the way Pichelli makes Spider-Man look every time he moves and displays any emotions, it’s almost eerie how good it is.

Spider-Men #1 is a must buy for Spidey fans and is a very safe purchase if you follow Brian Michael Bendis‘ work. This is going to be an emotional 5 part book for Peter Parker since he’ll get to see a world without him and a devastated Aunt May. Miles Morales will also get the chance to finally speak to the man that he formed his super hero persona from. It’s a story that was destined to be told, and they have the right people working on it.


More reviews from Burke can be found at nerdfarmblog.com. #getyourfix with Spider-Men #1 and other great Spider-Man books at Cosmic Comics! today!


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