JLA Salvation Run

Roland Recommends Reading JLA Salvation Run

JLA Salvation RunJLA Salvation Run is Recommended by Roland

Title: JLA Salvation Run
Writer: Bill Willingham and Matthew Surges
Artist: Sean Chen
Publisher: DC Comics
Issue #: 1-7
TPB Volume #: 1
Ongoing Series / Mini-Series / Graphic Novel:


What is this book about?

Amanda Waller rounds up (read kidnaps) all the villains of the DCU and Boom Tubes them to an uninhabbited planet to be done with them once and for all.  The villains have to survive this planet, and each other, while working on a way to get back to Earth.

Why do you like this book?

It is an amazing Lex Luthor story, depicting the kind of leader he can be and the means he will use to save everyone. Other villains get there time to shine as well such as The Joker and Captain Cold.

By taking the superheroes out of the picture, it shows why the villains are who they are while deconstructing what it means “to be evil”.

It mirrors current political and social themes of the day in a post 9/11 world. Criminals who do not get a trial are detained and then exiled by the government. The parallels are there, but the book does not hit you over the head with them. Subtely worked in very nicely.

Who should be reading this book?

Anyone who is a fan of Lex Luthor, The Joker, or DC villains in general.  If you are looking for a stand alone story without having to worry about its place in “DC canon” or having to know years and years of history of the DCU, this book is for you.

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