Untold Tales of the Punisher Max

Untold Tales of the Punisher MAX Really is Untold.

Untold Tales of the Punisher Max

Untold Tales of the Punisher Max #1 Review

“Jimmy’s Collision”

Untold Tales of the Punisher Max #1 is the story of Jimmy Frisco, a husband, owner of a semi-successful body shop, and a degenerate with a gambling problem. Apparently mob bosses don’t like it when you owe them a sum amounting up to 12 G’s, because now Jimmy is indebted for more than just the money. The mob has cornered Jimmy into a deal that involves an assassination in order to “repay” his debt. Jimmy isn’t a professional hitman and struggles with the entire ordeal, especially when he comes face to face with ol’ skullchest himself.

The rest of this review is missing, just like the Punisher is from this book. Burke has the rest of this review for you over at nerdfarmblog.com. You can #getyourfix with other great Punisher titles at Cosmic Comics! today!

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